There were 21 active legal licenses in McKinley County in December 2024.
Data refers to all lawyers who were actively practicing during this time period.
As of 2023, the average salary for a lawyer in New Mexico is approximately $96,071 per year.
New Mexico faces a severe shortage of lawyers. Two of its counties have no attorneys, and 21% of the state's counties have no more than five lawyers.
Note that the table below does not represent all lawyers with active licenses to practice.
Lawyers in McKinley County with active legal licenses in December 2024
Lawyer Name | Name of Firm |
Alexis H. Tighe | Tighe Law Firm, LLC |
Arianne E. Depauli | Rosebrough Fowles & Foutz, P.C. |
Caitlin D. Pozernick | Law Offices of the Public Defender |
Calvin Lee Jr. | CJ Lee & Associates, P.C. |
David Richard Eason | City of Gallup |
Douglas W. Decker | 11th Judicial District Court |
Felisha Adams | BLPA |
Grant R. Birtcher | Navajo Nation Gaming Enterprise |
Jean Philips | New Mexico Legal Aid, Inc. |
Jeremy Michael Gay | Advocate Law Center, P.A. |
John W. Bernitz | Law Office of John Bernitz |
Kerin Jeanne Leche | New Mexico Department of Justice |
Krystal A. Dominguez | |
Linda G. Padilla | 11th Judicial District Court |
Louis E. Depauli Jr. | 11th Judicial District Court |
McKade Ron Loe | Rosebrough Fowles & Foutz, P.C. |
Pablo H. Padilla | Pablo H. Padilla Esq |
Paul D. Tony | Law Offices of the Public Defender |
Robert David Pederson | 11th Judicial District Court |
Taylor A. Bingham | New Mexico Legal Aid, Inc. |
William G. Stripp | Law Office of William G. Stripp |