"Joe and Nancy are taking America on a road trip to the Carter Administration and NOBODY is having a good time! twitter.com/wupton/status/"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Yvette Herrell:
"GDP shrinking. Inflation rising. Gas is more expensive. Food is more expensive. Gee, thanks @JoeBiden! usnews.com/news/economy/a"Read on Twitter
"My great Veterans Liaison, Rick Pineda, attended the New Mexico Department of Veterans Services (@GONMDVS) 2022 Military Honors and Training Competition. Thanks to all our amazing veterans and active duty service-members who made it a wonderful day!" on April 27Read on Twitter
"Just days ago, Spc. Bishop Evans lost his life trying to save people from drowning in the Rio Grande (who turned out to be drug smugglers)--and these acts of valor are met by proposals from the Biden administration that are BEYOND insulting. twitter.com/RepDonaldsPres" on April 27Read on Twitter