
SW New Mexico News

Monday, March 10, 2025

1,586 fewer lawyers with active licenses to practice in Bernalillo County in October than previous month

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There were 1,586 fewer active legal licenses in Bernalillo County in October compared to the previous month, according to the State Bar of New Mexico.

There were 1,432 active legal licenses in Bernalillo County in October, compared to 3,018 the month before.

Data refers to all lawyers who were actively practicing during this time period.

As of 2023, the average salary for a lawyer in New Mexico is approximately $96,071 per year.

New Mexico faces a severe shortage of lawyers. Two of its counties have no attorneys, and 21% of the state's counties have no more than five lawyers.

Note that the table below does not represent all lawyers with active licenses to practice.

Lawyers in Bernalillo County with active legal licenses in October
Lawyer NameName of Firm
Aaron Bradley HuffmanNM Children Youth and Families Department Protective Services Division
Aaron Christopher BacaBernalillo County Metropolitan Court
Aaron GarrettGarrett Law
Aaron MitchellMitchell Law Offices, LLC
Aaron S. HollomanAdministrative Office of the Courts
Aaron Thomas Gawrych GoodshoreSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Abel AsmeromHendricks Law
Abigail Bannon-SchneebeckModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Abigail Marrs YatesRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Abigail Reinard WolbergLewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, LLP
Adam J. WrightSixFifty Technologies, LLC
Ahmad AssedLaw Office of Ahmad Assed
Aida Medina AdamsLaw Office of Aida Medina Adams
Aja Nicole BrooksOffice of the US Attorney
Alan R. TaradashAlan Robert Taradash Attorney at Law
Alan R. WilsonWilson Law Firm, P.C.
Alana M. De YoungNew Mexico Gas Company
Albert L. Hutchinson Jr.
Alejandro Evan AlbarranSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Alejandro Macias-UriasRebecca Kitson Law
Aletheia Vadin Pamela AllenOffice of the Attorney General
Alexander Beattie IILaw Office of Alexander Beattie
Alexandra Freedman SmithLaw Office of Alexandra Freedman Smith
Alexandra Wilson JonesJones Law Firm, LLC
Alexandria Del VillarLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Ali Manuel MoralesElias Law, P.C.
Alice Tomlinson LorenzLorenz Law
Alisa R. Wigley-DelaraDeLara Supik Odegard, P.C.
Alisa Roberts Diehl
Alison Lynn RosnerAlison Rosner-Allison Attorney at Law
Alissa N. BergerNM Regulation and Licensing Department
Allison M. BeaulieuJones Skelton & Hochuli
Alma Cristina RobersonSecond Judicial District Court
Alma Rosa Delgado
Alonzo MaestasLopez Law NM, LLC
Amanda Ann AragonNew Mexico Family Law, P.C.
Amanda K. NelsonAdams Crow Law Firm
Amanda Marie StephensonLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Amanda NavarroJustice Legal Group
Amber Hope BakerChapman Law, P.C.
Amber L. WeeksVrapi Weeks
Amelia P. Nelson
Amy M. WilliamsAhmad Assed and Associates
Ana Andzic-TomlinsonUniversity of New Mexico
Ana Rita Goncalves PincaroPincaro Law
Andre Kirk ArchuletaCurtis & Company
Andrea Dawn Steiling WoodyWilliam F. Davis & Associates, P.C.
Andrea K. RobedaYlaw, P.C.
Andrea L. RomeroRiley Keller Alderete Gonzales
Andres A. Benavidez
Andrew A. SmithOffice of the US Attorney
Andrew Anders
Andrew B. IndahlAltura Law Firm
Andrew John DeakyneGarcia Law Group, LLC
Andrew L. MagidaCity of Albuquerque Legal Department
Angela ArellanesAngela Arellanes Attorney at Law
Angela J. JewellJewell Law Offices
Angela M. ArmstrongNM Gaming Control Board
Angela SwensonOffice of the Attorney General
Angelica Anaya AllenNM Children Youth and Families Department
Angelica Michelle LopezSaiz Chanez Sherrell & Kaemper
Anh NguyenUS Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration/Office of Secure Transportation
Anita BasiNM Human Services Department Child Support Enforcement Division
Anita Xochitl TellezOffice of Superintendent of Insurance
Ann B. RodgersChestnut Law Offices, P.A.
Ann L. BrethourIntrepid Potash, Inc.
Ann M. DelphaUniversity of New Mexico School of Law
Ann W. MaggioreGarcia Law Group, LLC
Anna Alexander GraceHTLF Bank
Anna Elizabeth IndahlAltura Law Firm
Anna Maria BaeckerRobles Rael & Anaya, P.C.
Anna Terése Nassiff
Anne C. KeenerLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Anne L. TaylorDisciplinary Board
Anne Rothrock
Anthony A. Apodaca Jr.Second Judicial District Attorney's Office
Anthony B. JeffriesAnthony B. Jeffries JD CPA
Anthony Charles StewartNM Human Services Department Child Support Services Division
Anthony SpratleyGenus Law Group
Antoinette Sedillo M. Lopez
Antonia Lucia RomeroCity of Albuquerque Legal Department
Antonio Maestas
April D. WhiteYlaw, P.C.
April L. WilkinsonVanAmberg Rogers Yepa Abeita Gomez & Wilkinson, LLP
Ariana Celina BurksUniversity of New Mexico School of Law
Armand Damacio HuertazRiley Keller Alderete Gonzales
Ashlee M. WrightCity of Albuquerque Legal Department
Ashleigh G. MorrisOffice of the Solicitor
Ashley D. Strauss-MartinReal Estate Law Associates
Ashley Sonoe MacKenzieThe MacKenzie Law Office, LLC
Audra DavieKoschtial Law, LLC
Augustine RodriguezLaw Office of Augustine M. Rodriguez, LLC
B. W. StoneRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Barbara J. BuckBarbara J. Buck, LLC
Barbara JarvisBarbara Jarvis, P.A.
Barbara Katherine Bates
Barbara V. JohnsonJohnson Family Law, P.C.
Baron Randolph AbrumsAbrums Law Office, LLC
Barry J. BerenbergNew Mexico Mutual
Bayard Roberts IVModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Beate BoudroBeate Boudro Attorney at Law
Beatrice J. BrickhouseSecond Judicial District Court
Beckham Angelo RiveraCity of Albuquerque
Becky S. JironNM Human Services Department Child Support Services
Ben DavisDavis Kelin Law Firm, LLC
Ben L. ZieglerSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Benita M. AlexandreInternal Revenue Service
Benjamin A. JacobsAskew Law Firm, LLC
Benjamin Clyde WilsonBenjamin Clyde Wilson Attorney at Law, P.A.
Benjamin E. Decker
Benjamin G. MaggardNew Mexico Medical Society
Benny R. Naranjo
Bethnie Jace WinnJWS Legal
Bianca M. Duran
Billy K. BurgettBilly K. Burgett Attorney at Law
Blair A. DunnWestern Agriculture Resource and Business Advocates, LLP
Blake NicholsOffice of the US Attorney
Bonnie M. StepletonUniversity of New Mexico School of Law
Brandon M. IlgenIlgen Law, LLC
Brant L. LillywhiteAllen Shepherd & Lewis, P.A.
Brendan O'ReillyThe Lawyers O'Reilly, P.C.
Brenna GaytanBlue Cross Blue Shield of New Mexico
Brett J. DanoffDanoff Law Firm
Brett R. LovelessSecond Judicial District Court
Brian J. MurrayParnall Law Firm
Brian K. BranchLaw Offices of Brian K. Branch
Brian K. NicholsModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Brian L. MooreCity of Albuquerque
Brian R. CurleyGenus Law Group
Bridget Lynn Mullins
Britt Marie Baca-MillerSecond Judicial District Court
Brittany DuchausseeOffice of the US Attorney
Brittany N. SteudleLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Brooke E. BakerUNM Department of Anesthesiology
Brooke JordyDodd Law Office, LLC
Brooke Nowak-NeelyBrooke Nowak-Neely Attorney at Law
Brwyn Noel DowningSenior Citizens' Law Office
Bryan E. Brock
Bryan GonzalezNM Human Services Department
Bryan J. DavisBryan J. Davis Attorney at Law, LLC
Bryan L. WilliamsWilliams Injury Law, P.C.
Bryan Webster Nickerson IVSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Bryce DoratoNew Mexico Legal Aid, Inc.
Buck T. GlanzOffice of the Federal Public Defender
Caela J. BakerHarvey & Foote Law Firm, LLC
Caitlin L. DillonUnited States Attorney's Office
Caitlin Meghan SweeneyDisability Rights New Mexico
Calvin Hyer Jr.Calvin Hyer Jr Attorney at Law, P.A.
Cameron B. BellMcGinn Montoya Love & Curry, P.A.
Cameron Sean BushBush Injury Law, LLC
Cara R. LynchCara Lynch Legal Services
Carl J. Butkus
Carla Prando DomeniciUniversity of New Mexico
Carlos A. JaureguiSimon A. Kubiak, P.C.
Carol E. GarnerNew Mexico Legal Aid, Inc.
Carol Kirk Rodriguez
Carolina M. Barrera
Caroline Elizabeth Andrews
Carolyn Callaway
Carolyn J. AbeitaVanAmberg Rogers Yepa Abeita Gomez & Wilkinson, LLP
Carolyn M. NicholsRothstein Donatelli, LLP
Cassandra BrulotteOffice of Superintendent of Insurance
Cassandra Casaus CurrieUS Attorney's Office
Cassandra Joyce BrownCassandra Joyce Brown Attorney at Law, LLC
Catherine Ava BegayeSecond Judicial District Court
Catherine Baker StetsonStetson Law Offices, P.C.
Catherine F. DavisHunt & Davis, P.C.
Catherine Louise Butcher
Catherine M. GonzalezCity of Albuquerque Legal Department
Catherine T. GoldbergRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Celedonia I. BalderramaBalderrama Law Firm, LLC
Celia J. YapitaAlbuquerque Community Foundation
Celina Christine BacaModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Cerianne Lynn MullinsPeifer Hanson Mullins & Baker, P.A.
Chad D. WillisdeGraauw Law Firm, P.C.
Chad F. WorthenJennings Haug Keleher McLeod, LLP
Chance A. GauthierGauthier & Maier Law Firm, P.C.
Chance Andrew BarnettKrehbiel & Barnett, P.C.
Charles H. KalmKalm Law Firm, P.C.
Charles Llewellyn DavisCity of Albuquerque Legal Department
Charles R. HughsonRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Charles S. Archuleta
Charles T. AsburyRobles Rael & Anaya, P.C.
Charles T. DumarsLaw & Resource Planning Associates, P.C.
Charles T. StollLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Charles W. Brown
Charlotte ItohFine Law Firm
Charlotte Rich JosephJackson Law, LLC
Christal Anne WeatherlyNM Environment Department
Christian C. DohertyNM Workers' Compensation Administration
Christian Joseph RobisonDepartment of the Air Force
Christian P. GoldsmithUS Army Corps of Engineers
Christie GeterJones Skelton & Hochuli
Christina Anaya
Christina ArmijoUS District Court
Christina Bruff J. DumarsLaw & Resource Planning Associates, P.C.
Christina CalderwoodPresbyterian Healthcare Services
Christina M. LooneySutin Thayer & Browne, APC
Christina Muscarella Gooch
Christina Pete ArgyresVillage of Los Ranchos Municipal Court
Christina S. West
Christine E. LongDisciplinary Board
Christine Eve RodriguezBernalillo County Metropolitan Court
Christine Joyce JablonskySecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Christopher Allen DoddDodd Law Office, LLC
Christopher ArimaLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Christopher E. MooreSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Christopher J. DelaraDeLara Supik Odegard, P.C.
Christopher J. Molina
Christopher J. SupikDeLara Supik Odegard, P.C.
Christopher Lucero Jr.Chris Lucero Jr Attorney at Law
Christopher M. GattonGiddens & Gatton, P.C.
Christopher M. MoodyMoody & Stanford, P.C.
Christopher N. AtencioPNM Resources, Inc.
Christopher P. BaumanB & D Law Offices, P.C.
Christopher P. MacHin
Christopher P. MuirheadModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Christopher P. WintersHarada & Winters, LLC
Christopher Paul LuceroThe Lucero Law Office
Christopher Sturgess13th Judicial District Attorney's Office
Christopher W. MacHoldLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Christopher William WestenbergerNew Mexico Environment Department
Christopher Z. CantrellOffice of the Solicitor
Cid Dagward Lopez
Clair L. Gardner
Clara MoranSecond Judicial District Court
Clay Campbell
Clay L. WilwolUS District Court
Clifford C. Gramer Jr.Clifford C. Gramer Attorney at Law
Clifford Clark NicholsLaw Office of Clifford C. Nichols
Clifford K. AtkinsonAtkinson Baker & Rodriguez, P.C.
Clifton L. DavidsonLaw Office of Clifton L. Davidson, LLC
Clinton E. DowGuebert Gentile & Piazza, P.C.
Clyde DemerssemanUS Department of Energy
Cody E. O'BrienTrujillo Dodd Torres O'Brien & Sanchez, LLC
Cody Larry JeffNew Mexico Center on Law and Poverty
Colin C. O'NeilLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Colin Michael Bryce
Collin J. BrennanSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Corinne F. MackUS District Court
Corinne L. HoltHolt Law, L.L.C.
Cory James KalmKalm Law Firm, P.C.
Courtney AronowskyLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Courtney Bryn WeaksSecond Judicial District Court
Courtney Johnson-Vidales
Criostoir O'CleireachainCarter Law Offices, P.C.
Cristina A. AdamsRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Cristina T. Jaramillo
Cristobal A. MunozSenior Citizens' Law Office
Crystal C. CabridoSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Cynthia Ann LoehrRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Cynthia Ann Stofberg
Cynthia L. WeismanB & D Law Offices, P.C.
Cynthia R. WimberlyUS Department of Energy
Cyrus Joseph WisemanWiseman Legal Group, P.A.
D'Marcos P. DevineDevine Law, LLC
Dan Alan AkenheadMiller Stratvert, P.A.
Dana Lynn BeismanLaw Offices of Mickey Beisman
Daniel A. AldereteRiley Keller Alderete Gonzales
Daniel A. Ivey-Soto Esq.InAccord, P.C.
Daniel A. LipsitzCordell & Cordell
Daniel C. ApodacaSaucedoChavez, P.C.
Daniel E. GershonStelzner Winter Warburton Flores & Dawes, P.A.
Daniel F. D'AddioWhitener Law Firm, P.A.
Daniel J. BehlesAskew & White, LLC
Daniel J. MacKeMacke Law & Policy, LLC
Daniel J. O'BrienO'Brien & Padilla, P.C.
Daniel Murray AlsupModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Daniel P. ButtramWhitener Law Firm, P.A.
Daniel R. Dolan IIDolan & Associate Attorneys
Daniel Ray BacaBaca Law Firm
Daniel RobersonBernalillo County Attorney's Office
Daniel SnyderOffice of the Federal Public Defender
Daniel Sosa IIISosa Law Firm, LLC
Daniel W. Long
Daniel WhiteOffice of the US Trustee
Daniela TamarovaSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Danny W. JarrettJackson Lewis, P.C.
Darlan Rusch GathingsThe Law Office of D. Rusch Gathings
Darlene Teryssa GomezLaw Offices of Darlene Gomez
Darren P. White II
Dathan L. WeemsWeems Hazen Law
David A. Gonzales
David A. GradyGrady Law & Mediation, LLC
David A. Grammer IIIGrammer Law Offices, P.C.
David A. MurphySecond Judicial District Court
David A. ReyesReyes Law Firm
David A. RheeLaw Office of David Rhee
David A. Standridge Jr.Justice Legal Group
David AdamsParnall & Adams Law
David Alan BuchananNM Administrative Hearings Office
David Alan RichterDavid Richter Law
David Anthony RomanNM Association of Counties
David Bruce NavaNM Human Services Department
David E. Arnold
David Elias IdinopulosElias Law, P.C.
David G. RichterNM Children Youth and Families Department
David Gottlieb
David H. JohnsonSutin Thayer & Browne, APC
David J. AbellAbell Law Company, Ltd.
David J. AldereteDavid J. Alderete Attorney at Law
David J. StoutUniversity of New Mexico School of Law
David Joseph JaramilloJaramillo Law Firm, P.C.
David L. DuhiggDuhigg & Berlin, P.A.
David L. LinkParnall Law Firm
David L. WaymireSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
David M. HoulistonLaw Office of David M. Houliston
David M. WesnerCiverolo Gralow & Hill, P.A.
David Michael WertzAldridge Pite, LLP
David P. BuchholtzRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
David Paul LopezCity of Albuquerque
David R. YepaVanAmberg Rogers Yepa Abeita Gomez & Wilkinson, LLP
David Ray RosalesRosales Law Group, P.C.
David S. CampbellDavid Campbell Attorney at Law, LLC
David Trevor HughesNM Court of Appeals
David Z. Ring
Deana BennettModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Debashree NandyBrownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP
Deborah A. NesbittTiffany & Bosco, P.A.
Deborah D. WellsKennedy Moulton & Wells, P.C.
Deborah L. MooreABQ Law Clinic/Morris Law Firm, P.A.
Debra J. MoultonKennedy Moulton & Wells, P.C.
Deena L. BuchananBuchanan Law Firm, LLC
Deidre A. LujanNordhaus Law Firm, LLC
Demyra Lashontae HoverLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Denise A. SnyderTiffany & Bosco, P.A.
Denise M. Abeita
Dennis A. BanningNew Mexico Financial & Family Law, P.C.
Dennis James CandelariaOffice of the Federal Public Defender
Derek BergSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Derek Louis WeemsDorato & Weems Law Firm, LLC
DeWitt M. MorganRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Diane P. DonaghyDiane P. Donaghy Esq
Dolph BarnhouseBarnhouse Keegan Solimon & West, LLP
Dominic B. RomeroPriest & Miller, LLP
Dominique M. WorkNew Mexico Interstate Stream Commission
Don Lionel Daniel IIIPresbyterian Medical Services
Donald E. SwaimSwaim Carlow & Ames, P.C.
Donald G. Bruckner Jr.
Donald G. GilpinGilpin Law Firm, LLC
Donavon A. Roberts
Donna K. BasleeDiamond Baslee Legal Group, LLC
Donna Trujillo S. DoddTrujillo Dodd Torres O'Brien & Sanchez, LLC
Donny D. Johnson Jr.Johnson Family Law, P.C.
Donya J. JohnsonJohnson Family Law, P.C.
Douglas Alan WilberLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Douglas Andrew AlsupNew Mexico Legal Aid, Inc.
Douglas Arthur BakerAtkinson Baker & Rodriguez, P.C.
Douglas GardnerRobles Rael & Anaya, P.C.
Douglas J. Antoon
Duff H. WestbrookSanders & Westbrook, P.C.
Dustin Dwayne DempseyAllen Shepherd & Lewis, P.A.
Dyea A. ReynoldsJackson Loman Stanford Downey & Stevens-Block, P.C.
Dylan P. LuteyHedrich Law, P.A.
Dylan RhinehartLaw Offices of Kathleen Rhinehart
E. BorderBorder Law Office, P.A.
Earl E. Debrine Jr.
Edna Frances SpragueNew Mexico Legal Aid, Inc.
Eduardo A. DuffySutin Thayer & Browne, APC
Edward F. SnowStiff Garcia & Associates, LLC
Edward J. Lopez Jr.
Edward J. RoibalRoibal Law Firm, P.A.
Edward L. Benavidez
Edward M. Anaya
Edward O. BustamanteEdward O. Bustamante Lawyer
Edward R. RiccoRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Efrain CantuMayer, LLP
Elaine A. Abeyta-MontoyaSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Elaine Patricia LujanSecond Judicial District Court
Elaria Erin YoussefLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Eleanor C. WerenkoStelzner Winter Warburton Flores & Dawes, P.A.
Elena SpielmanSenior Citizens' Law Office
Elicia A. MontoyaMcGinn Montoya Love & Curry, P.A.
Elisa Christine Dimas
Eliza M. StewartMadison Mroz Steinman Kenny & Olexy, P.A.
Elizabeth Alice BunkerLizzy Bunker Esq, PLLC
Elizabeth AshtonAshton Horton Mullins
Elizabeth BatesSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Elizabeth C. HolmesLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Elizabeth HonceHonce Law Office, LLC
Elizabeth L. German
Elizabeth M. DranttelRose Ramirez & Associates, P.C.
Elizabeth Owens RourkeSecond Judicial District Court
Ellen A. GeskeDavis Kelin Law Firm, LLC
Ellen P. ArgyresRoybal-Mack & Cordova, P.C.
Emeline B. BeismanLaw Offices of Mickey Beisman
Emily BowenOffice of the Attorney General
Emily C. NitschkeEarly Childhood Education and Care Department
Emily Jane SoliPueblo of Isleta
Emily Luke
Emma Lorraine WhitleyArmstrong Roth Whitley Johnstone, LLC
Emma RodriguezUniversity of New Mexico
Eric Allen SuttonUnited South Broadway Corporation
Eric D. JantzNM Environmental Law Center
Eric Gilbert RodriguezWalsh Gallegos Treviño Russo & Kyle, P.C.
Eric J. Rodriguez
Eric Joseph Abeita
Eric Kevin GilbertKasdan Turner Thomson Booth, LLP
Eric Lyon BurtonBurton Law Company, Ltd.
Eric R. BurrisBrownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP
Eric R. LomanJackson Loman Stanford Downey & Stevens-Block, P.C.
Eric Sedillo JeffriesLaw Firm of Eric Sedillo Jeffries
Erika AndersonLaw Offices of Erika E. Anderson
Erin B. O'ConnellSecond Judicial District Court
Erin E. WidemanPregenzer Baysinger Wideman & Sale, P.C.
Erin K. StantonChapman Law, P.C.
Erlinda O. JohnsonThe Law Office of Erlinda O. Johnson, LLC
Esperanza LujanOffice of the Federal Public Defender
Esteban A. Aguilar Jr.
Esteban A. Aguilar Sr.Aguilar Law Firm, P.C.
Esteli C. Juarez
Eulalia W. KafariSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Eva Aimee Gonzalez EstradaTitan Development
Evan P. WoodwardWoodward Law Firm
Evelyn Howard-HandWalsh Gallegos Treviño Russo & Kyle, P.C.
Evelyn Ibarra-OrtizEnlace Comunitaro
Evie M. JilekPaul L. Civerolo, LLC
F. M. MowrerSanchez Mowrer & Desiderio, P.C.
Felicia C. WeingartnerLaw Offices of Felicia C. Weingartner
Floyd D. WilsonFloyd D. Wilson, P.C.
Forrest G. BuffingtonBarber & Borg, LLC
Francella M. WrightWright Consulting
Francheska M. Bardacke
Francisco E. Gonzales Jr.Gonzales Law Firm
Francisco Juan JimenezRing Jimenez, P.C.
Frank A. Baca
Frank T. Davis Jr.The Davis Law Group, LLC
Frank Tomas ApodacaSaucedoChavez, P.C.
Frank W. GentryFrank W. Gentry Attorney at Law
Franziska Ortega Moore
Frederick D. Jones Jr.Frederick D. Jones Jr Attorney at Law
Gabriel Fane KallenSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Gabriel Thomas Long
Gail Sue StewartSteven Granberg Attorney at Law, P.A.
Garry L. Breeswine
Gary C. JohnsonNM Department of Workforce Solutions
Gary Cuttrell
Gary D. HousepianDisability Rights New Mexico
Gary F. BrownellSonosky Chambers Sachse Mielke & Brownell, LLP
Gayolyn J. Johnson
Genia GonzalesSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Geoffrey D. WhitePark & Associates, LLC
Geoffrey R. RomeroLaw Offices of Geoffrey R. Romero
George D. Giddens Jr.
George L. Bach Jr.University of New Mexico School of Law
George W. WeethAcademy Compensation Clinic, P.C.
Georgene Louis
Gerald G. DixonDixon Scholl Carrillo, P.A.
Gilbert Arrazolo
Gilberto JuarezLaw Office of Gilbert Juarez
Gina V. DownesDavis Kelin Law Firm, LLC
Glenn A. BeardRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Gloria I. LuceroWilliam McBride Legal Group
Grace AllisonNew Mexico Legal Aid, Inc.
Grace Elizabeth Jennings
Graham Frederick DumasLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Greer E. StaleyOffice of the Attorney General
Gregory D. AbelParnall Law Firm
Gregory D. SteinmanMadison Mroz Steinman Kenny & Olexy, P.A.
Gregory M. ActonActon Law Office, P.C.
Gregory P. WilliamsPeifer Hanson Mullins & Baker, P.A.
Gregory W. MacKenzie
Grieta A. GilchristGilchrist Law Firm, P.C.
Guinevere IceSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Guy TannBudagher & Tann, LLC
Gwenellen P. JanovJanov Law Offices, P.C.
Hadley Clare BrownFederal Public Defender District of New Mexico
Hallie C. RossbachRoybal-Mack & Cordova, P.C.
Hannah Rae JiacolettiCiverolo Gralow & Hill, P.A.
Harold Duane Stratton Jr.Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP
Harold O. AtencioPeak Legal Group, LLC
Harry Ira ZimmermanHarry Ira Zimmerman Attorney at Law
Hayden C. WickensThe Gentry Law Firm
Hector Joseph BejaranoLaw Office of Adam Oakey
Heidi L. DeifelLaw Office of Heidi Deifel, P.C.
Helene Garduno DobbinsHelene Garduno Dobbins Attorney at Law
Henry A. AlanizHenry A. Alaniz
Henry A. JonesIves & Flores, P.A.
Henry E. de La GarzaHenry E. de La Garza Attorney at Law, LLC
Henry F. NarvaezNarvaez Law Firm, P.A.
Hessel E. Yntema IIIYntema Law Firm, P.A.
Hilary John Andoe ArathoonNew Mexico Legal Aid
Holland Sergent KastrinOffice of the US Attorney
Holly Elizabeth ArmstrongRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Hope M. Wynn
Horatio Patrick Moreno-Campos IIHMC Attorney at Law, LLC
Houston RossHouston Ross Attorney at Law
Ian G. StokerCity of Albuquerque Legal Department
Ian Michael AldenLaw 4 Small Business
Imad S. AwadLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Iris Calderon GodinaCalderon Law Firm, LLC
Iris L. M. RingRing Jimenez, P.C.
Irma GonzalezNM Administrative Hearings Office
Irma RivasOffice of the Federal Public Defender
Isaac J. LopezJennings Haug Keleher McLeod, LLP
Isabella N. ZayaniNew Mexico Legal Aid, Inc.
Isela AnchondoCurtis & Company
J. R. MuellerLaw Offices of Jay R. Mueller
Jack Bennett JacksSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Jack E. BurkheadOffice of the US Attorney
Jack MkhitarianNew Mexico Criminal Law Offices, LLC
Jackie BregmanThe Bregman Law Firm, P.C.
Jacob A. GarrisonThe Garrison Law Firm, LLC
Jacob Jones
Jacob R. CandelariaCandelaria Law, LLC
Jacqueline Dolores MosherAllen Law Firm, LLC
Jacqueline Lorraine HoswellThe Law Office of Ryan J. Villa
Jacqueline M. WoodcockConklin Woodcock & Ziegler, P.C.
Jacqueline Susanne JamesNM Children Youth and Families Department
Jade Plagata DelfinGarcia Law Group, LLC
Jaime L. DawesStelzner Winter Warburton Flores & Dawes, P.A.
James A. ArtleySpann Hollowwa & Artley
James A. AskewAskew Law Firm, LLC
James A. Burroughs
James A. MontalbanoYoutz & Valdez, P.C.
James A. MungleJames A. Mungle, P.A.
James C. WilkeyDixon Scholl Carrillo, P.A.
James Christopher LoonamOffice of the Federal Public Defender
James Clay HumeHume Law Firm
James E. DoryDory-Garduño Law Firm, LLC
James Edward Rodgers
James H. Johansen
James Hoytt WoodLaw Office of James H. Wood, P.C.
James Johnson
James O. BrowningUS District Court
James P. LyleLaw Offices of James P. Lyle, P.C.
James Patrick BarrettEaton Law Office, P.C.
James R. Glover
James R. W. BraunOffice of the US Attorney
James R. Wood
James Scott StevensDavis Miles McGuire Gardner, PLLC
James T. RoachJames T. Roach Attorney at Law
James W. NewellLaw Offices of Jim Newell, LLC
James Walker BoydNew Mexico State Ethics Commission
Jamie L. AllenModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Jane Beth Wishner
Jane Katherine GirardOffice of the Natural Resources Trustee
Jane YeeCambio, Inc.
Janette Angelica DuranSanchez Mowrer & Desiderio, P.C.
Janine N. CallerCordell & Cordell
Jared A. ArmijoMoses Dunn Farmer & Tuthill, P.C.
Jason C. GordonDisability Rights New Mexico
Jason Collis BouslimanMcCarthy & Holthus, LLP
Jason M. AlaridJason Alarid Attorney at Law School
Jason M. BurnetteGerman Burnette & Associates, LLC
Jason M. JaramilloBernalillo County Metropolitan Court
Jason M. WexlerAldridge Hammar & Wexler, P.A.
Jason R. WeaksThe Weaks Law Firm, P.C.
Jason Raul AlcarazAlcaraz Law, P.A.
Jason Toshio YamatoOffice of Superintendent of Insurance
Javier F. Amaya
Jay Bryan BellBusiness Law Southwest, LLC
Jay D. RosenblumSutin Thayer & Browne, APC
Jay J. AtheyLittler Mendelson, P.C.
Jay K. NairLaw Offices of Jay K. Nair Esq, LLC
Jaya M. RhodesUS District Court
Jazmine Janet JohnstonAtler Law Firm, P.C.
Jazzai Kapri Jimerson
Jean M. BannonGerman Burnette & Associates, LLC
Jeanine R. SteffySteffy Law Firm, P.C.
Jeanne Marie SmithJeanne Marie Smith Attorney at Law
Jeanne Yvonne SohnSandia National Laboratories
Jeannette Martinez WhittakerCity of Albuquerque Legal Department
Jeannie HuntBrant & Hunt Attorneys
Jedidiah J. GlazenerJedidiah J. Glazener Esq
Jeffrey C. BrownJeffrey C. Brown Attorney at Law, P.C.
Jeffrey D. JohnsonJeffrey D. Johnson Attorney at Law
Jeffrey D. MyersWilcox Myers & Jones, P.C.
Jeffrey Gene GordonSandia Laboratory Federal Credit Union
Jeffrey H. AlbrightJAlbright Law, LLC
Jeffrey Louis SquiresSquires Legal Counsel, LLC
Jeffrey Merrill MitchellO'Brien & Padilla, P.C.
Jeffrey Paul StradlingElmore Law, LLC
Jeffrey RomeroJeffrey Romero Attorney at Law
Jena Haley RitcheyUS District Court
Jenica JacobiRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Jennifer A. HoustonBuckingham Barrera Vega Law Firm
Jennifer A. NoyaModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Jennifer Armijo Hughes
Jennifer E. RomeroNew Mexico Legal Aid
Jennifer G. AndersonModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Jennifer J. WernersbachSecond Judicial District Court
Jennifer L. BarelaLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Jennifer Lee BradleyCity of Albuquerque Purchasing Division
Jennifer Lynn HowerUS Department of Agriculture
Jennifer M. DegraauwTerry & deGraauw, P.C.
Jennifer NutleyAdams+Crow Law Firm
Jennifer Rahn BartlitJennifer R. Bartlit Attorney at Law
Jennifer Ruth JamesUniversity of New Mexico
Jennifer S. SterlingSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Jenny DumasDumas Law Office, LLC
Jenny Lynn JonesAllen Shepherd & Lewis, P.A.
Jeremiah L. RitchieNew Mexico Mutual
Jeremy Kyle NickellModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Jerrald J. RoehlThe Roehl Law Firm, P.C.
Jerry H. RitterUS District Court
Jesse J. MontoyaSecond Judicial District Court
Jessica Ann Dennis
Jessica Braaten Wilder
Jessica C. RothArmstrong Roth Whitley Johnstone, LLC
Jessica L. AlsupDuran & McDonald, LLC
Jessica Lynn Gonzales
Jessica Lynn NixonRobles Rael & Anaya, P.C.
Jessie Lynn Myrehn
Jill A. DouthettLaw Office of Jill A. Douthett
Jill Kristin Folske SweeneySherman & Howard, LLC
Jisan Lopez
Joan Elizabeth DrakeModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Joanna D. AguilarJoanna D. Aguilar Attorney at Law
Jocelyn C. DrennanRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Jody Neal-PostJody Neal-Post Esq
Jody R. Curran
Joe M. Romero Jr.Romero & Winder, P.C.
Joel Philip AmesSwaim Carlow & Ames, P.C.
Joey MontoyaSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
John A. ArmijoTitan Development
John A. BudagherBudagher & Tann, LLC
John A. Budagher IIIBudagher & Tann, LLC
John Andrew DegraauwDeGraauw Law Firm, P.C.
John Andrew DragovitsSutin Thayer & Browne, APC
John Brendan CampbellCampbell Law, LLC
John D. Dodge
John E. DuboisCity of Albuquerque Legal Department
John F. RobbenhaarUS District Court
John Field Simms Stiff Jr.Stiff Garcia & Associates, LLC
John James D'Amato Jr.The D'Amato Law Firm, P.C.
John K. ZieglerConklin Woodcock & Ziegler, P.C.
John Kent WinchesterKent Winchester Esq
John M. BrantBrant & Hunt Attorneys
John P. RhinehartRhinehart & Associates
John S. CampbellResnick & Louis, P.C.
John Simms StiffStiff Garcia & Associates, LLC
John Thomas LitchfordSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
John V. Butcher
John V. NilanJohn V. Nilan, LLC
John Warwick BoydFreedman Boyd Hollander & Goldberg, P.A.
John William AndersonJohn Anderson, P.C.
Jolanna Kristyn MaciasSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Jon JacobsThe Law Firm of Jacobs & Jacobs
Jon Joseph LittyLitty Law Group, P.C.
Jon K. StanfordOffice of the US Attorney
Jonaka White HallRon Bell Inury Lawyers
Jonathan David GardnerOffice of the Attorney General
Jonathan E. DominguezRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Jonathan L. IbarraLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Jonathan M. Gerson
Jonathan Ronald BucknerUS Department of Energy
Jonathan Scott BrownBatley Family Law, P.A.
Jordan Diane MacHinSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Jordan E. WintersBerenson & Associates, P.C.
Jordi KandarianAlcaraz Law, P.A.
Jordon P. GeorgeAragon Moss George Jenkins, LLP
Jordy Lior SternEsquibel Law Firm, P.A.
Jorge Armando RodriguezUniversity of New Mexico School of Law
Joseph A. MontanoSecond Judicial District Court
Joseph B. WosickYlaw, P.C.
Joseph C. HollowayExpo New Mexico
Joseph D. Little
Joseph GoldbergFreedman Boyd Hollander & Goldberg, P.A.
Joseph H. Robertson
Joseph L. WerntzMoses Dunn Farmer & Tuthill, P.C.
Joseph M. Romero
Joseph M. SpindleOffice of the US Attorney
Joseph M. Tapia Jr.Domenici Law Firm, P.C.
Joseph Mark Jerome HolveyUS Department of Agriculture
Joseph Oliver Allred
Joseph Randy Stevens IIOffice of the District Attorney Second Judicial District
Joseph Sullivan
Joseph YarThe Law Office of Joseph Yar, P.C.
Joshua A. AllisonSecond Judicial District Court
Joshua A. GoldbergPadilla Montoya and Associates
Joshua BradleyBradley Law Firm, LLC
Joshua Clark RovelliParnall Law Firm
Joshua D. BooneSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Joshua Monroe CurtisCurtis & Company
Joshua T. TalamanteSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Joy A. WillisSecond Judicial District Court
Joyce M. GentryGentry Law Firm
Juan B. Montoya
Juan H. GonzalezBegum & Cowen, PLLC
Judith B. CalmanAudubon New Mexico
Julia Ashley CummingsMayer, LLP
Julia Gabrielle Ronquillo
Julia L. MacCini
Julia M. AdamsLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Julianna T. HopperJennings Haug Keleher McLeod, LLP
Julie Taylor GilmoreUNM Office of the University Counsel Health Law Section
Julio C. RomeroMartinez Hart Sanchez & Romero, P.C.
Julpa DaveLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Justice Keith Irons
Justin A. GonzalezGonzalez Law, LLC
Justin A. YoungLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Justin Alexander HorwitzRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Justin Bert BreenUS Eagle Federal Credit Union
Justin D. GoodmanResnick & Louis, P.C.
Justin J. SolimonBarnhouse Keegan Solimon & West, LLP
Justin L. RobbsCiverolo Gralow & Hill, P.A.
Justin R. JacksonPeacock Law, P.C.
Justin Robert Woolf
Justin RodriguezAtkinson Baker & Rodriguez, P.C.
Justin Roth MuehlmeyerPeacock Law, P.C.
Kaela Skye HolmenLaw Offices of Erika E. Anderson
Kaleigh E. GardunoDorato & Weems Law Firm, LLC
Kallie DixonKallie Dixon Law
Kara Jenelle JohnsonNM Judicial Standards Commission
Karen B. MolzenUS District Court
Karen Howden WeaverZwicker & Associates, P.C.
Karen Kristine Schiabor SummersSummers Law
Karen L. KahnModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Kari E. BrandenburgBrandenburg Law Office
Kari T. MorrisseyLaw Office of Kari Morrissey
Kari Ward KarrSynchronicity, LLC
Karl H. RoepkeRoepke Law Firm, LLC
Karl J. Swanson2nd Judicial district DAs office
Karla Denise RosalesGlasheen Valles & Inderman, LLP
Kate M. SouthardKate Southard Real Estate
Kateri Garcia WestModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Katharine C. DowneyOffice of the Attorney General
Katherine A. WrayNM Court of Appeals
Katherine Ann HowingtonEsquivel & Howington, LLC
Katherine Channing RoehlThe Roehl Law Firm, P.C.
Katherine Hartung O'NealArmstrong Johnson Law, LLC
Katherine J. GibsonSecond Judicial District Court
Katherine Marie Gorospe
Katherine Marie LoeweLaw Office of Ryan J. Villa
Kathleen Elizabeth AucoinAuCoin Law Group
Kathleen J. LoveMcGinn Montoya Love & Curry, P.A.
Kathleen M. Mitchell
Kathleen M. Rhinehart
Kathleen M. WilsonHinkle Shanor, LLP
Kathleen Rosemary BryanParnall & Adams Law
Kathleen Thomas AhgharMoses Dunn Farmer & Tuthill, P.C.
Kathy GossGoss & Associates Law Offices
Katie Curry
Katrina Bagley BrownAllen Shepherd & Lewis, P.A.
Katy M. DuhiggSutin Thayer & Browne
Kea W. RiggsUS District Court
Keith R. RomeroKeith R. Romero Attorney at Law
Keith Rinaldi
Kelli J. KeeganBarnhouse Keegan Solimon & West, LLP
Kelly A. GenovaKelly A. Genova, P.C.
Kelly Alexis GolightleyGolightley Law, P.C.
Kelly J. DavisBusiness Law Southwest, LLC
Kelly P. O'NeillNM Children Youth and Families Department
Kelsea Elaine SonaCity of Albuquerque Legal Department
Kendrick Winsor DaneMayer, LLP
Kenneth A. GleriaKenneth A. Gleria Attorney at Law
Kenneth Charles DetroThe Gilpin Law Firm
Kenneth H. StalterStalter Law, LLC
Kenneth J. NeundorfJ. Kenneth Neundorf Attorney at Law
Kenneth J. TagerResnick & Louis, P.C.
Kenneth M. Culbreth IIIMoses Dunn Farmer & Tuthill, P.C.
Kenny C. Montoya
Kent B. BuckinghamBuckingham Barrera Vega Law Firm
Kermit Dean LopezOrtiz & Lopez, PLLC
Kerri L. AllensworthAllen Law Firm, LLC
Kerry J. MorrisABQ Law Clinic/Morris Law Firm, P.A.
Kerry KampschmidtSandia National Laboratories
Kerwin J. HollowwaSpann Hollowwa & Artley
Kevin A. MorrowCity of Albuquerque Legal Department
Kevin G. GickUniversity of New Mexico
Kevin J. BanvilleMcCoy Leavitt Laskey, LLC
Kevin M. de Rijk
Kevin P. HolmesHolmes Law Firm, P.C.
Kim Cuong Hong Nguyen
Kim Romero-Oak
Kimberly A. Wickens
Kimberly Ann Eaton BrawleyOffice of the US Attorney
Kimberly Anne Curry
Kimberly Annise Huson Esq.Madison Mroz Steinman Kenny & Olexy, P.A.
Kimberly BellOffice of the US Attorney
Kimberly Marie BannermanDepartment of Interior
Kimberly S. Brusuelas5th Street Law
Kinzer Anne JacksonCity of Albuquerque Legal Department
Kirk R. AllenMiller Stratvert, P.A.
Kirsten L. DickSecond Judicial District Court
Komal Nanda StiverStiver Law, LLC
Kristin Elaine Morgan-TracyUS District Court
Kristin Greer LoveACLU of New Mexico
Kristin J. DaltonCity of Albuquerque Legal Department
Kristina CaffreyNew Mexico Top Organics-Ultra Health
Kristopher Nicolas HoughtonUS Attorney's Office
Kurt WihlJennings Haug Keleher McLeod, LLP
Kylee Jaei RoerickAdams+Crow Law Firm
Kymberleigh Grace DoughertyLeigh & Dougherty, P.C.
Lacy A. DanielLaw & Resource Planning Associates, P.C.
Ladonna L. GironSecond Judicial District Children's Court
Lalita C. MoskowitzACLU of New Mexico
Lalita Devarakonda
Lance D. RichardsCiverolo Gralow & Hill, P.A.
Lara C. SundermannNM Children Youth and Families Department
Lara White DavisBlue Cross Blue Shield of New Mexico
Larissa Marie LozanoLozano Law Firm, LLC
Larry Dale LucasLarry D. Lucas Attorney at Law
Laura AckermannMiller Stratvert, P.A.
Laura BasseinUniversity of New Mexico School of Law
Laura Erin HortonAshton Horton Mullins
Laura Joellen JohnsonArmstrong Johnson Law, LLC
Laura Louise Schauer IvesIves & Flores, P.A.
Laura R. CallananCity of Albuquerque
Laurel Marie NesbittDisability Rights New Mexico
Lauren Brooke HundAndy Scholl Law, P.C.
Lauren E. Riley
Lauren Joseph Wolongevicz
Lauren KeefeKeefe Law Firm
Lauren Keenan
Lauren M. BaldwinNM Administrative Hearings Office
Lauren M. SwolMcCoy Leavitt Laskey, LLC
Lauren Mariam Aminian
Lauren Rae WilberCiverolo Gralow & Hill, P.A.
Lauren Taylor WinstonRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Laurence S. Donahue Jr.Law 4 Small Business
Lawrence A. JunkerGuebert Gentile & Piazza, P.C.
Lawrence J. HoranMid-Region Council of Governments
Lawrence M. WellsLawrence M. Wells Attorney at Law
Lawrence P. Zamzok
Lawrence R. Jones
Lawson Holland StiffStiff Garcia & Associates, LLC
Lea Corinne StrifeNM Local Government Law, LLC
Leah M. Stevens-BlockJackson Loman Stanford Downey & Stevens-Block, P.C.
Leander BergenLaguna Development Corporation
Lee Hargis HuntzingerHuntzinger Law, LLC
Leigh E. BrunnerCity of Albuquerque Legal Department
Leo M. RomeroUniversity of New Mexico School of Law
Leon Howard IIIACLU of New Mexico
Leon Richter-FreundLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Lesley J. Lowe
Leslie Mccarthy ApodacaRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Levi A. MonagleHall Monagle Huffman & Wallace, LLC
Lidiya I. BayliyevaJennings Haug Keleher McLeod, LLP
Lilia A. DiazLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Liliana Benitez De LunaModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Lillian G. ApodacaBingham Hurst & Apodaca, P.C.
Linda Helen BennettL. Helen Bennett, P.C.
Linda Isaida LeybaLaw Office of Linda Isaida Leyba
Linda J. R. RiosRios Law Firm
Linda K. RockwellOldaker Norris & Rockwell, LLC
Linda Kay WilsonNew Mexico Immigrant Law Center
Linda S. RogersBernalillo County Metropolitan Court
Lindsay Kyle CutlerPueblo of Isleta
Lindsay Stuart2nd Judicial District Attorney's Office
Lindsey A. BundrantButt Thornton & Baehr, P.C.
Lindsey A. RosebroughNM Court of Appeals
Linn E. GillenJackson Lewis, P.C.
Lisa GiandomenicoSecond Judicial District Court
Lisa K. CurtisCurtis & Company
Lisa M. Liegeot
Lorena Brittner HuttonRinchem Company, Inc.
Lori Mccamey BencoeBencoe & LaCour Law, P.C.
Lorna M. WigginsWiggins Williams & Wiggins, P.C.
Lou Ann Carmela Branch
Louis William HorowitzLorber Greenfield & Polito, LLP
Lucia G. MoranUS Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Lucrecia Rose JaramilloNew Mexico Legal Aid, Inc.
Lucy Boyadjian SolimonSecond Judicial District Court
Luis E. RoblesRobles Rael & Anaya, P.C.
Luis F. Leyva-CastilloNM Court of Appeals
Luis G. StelznerStelzner, LLC
Luke Allen Jobe
Luke HolmenCurtis & Company Law Firm
Luke Michael BattyBlackgarden Law, P.C.
Lynn MostollerSutin Thayer & Browne, APC
M. J. Lusk
MacKensee E. White
Madalyn Clare WitzFadduol Cluff Hardy & Conaway, P.C.
Madison R. JonesWilcox & Myers, P.C.
Maggie BristerNew Mexico Legal Group
Malcolm Glenn Nichols
Mallory A. WolffWeems Hazen Law
Mandeep S. TalwarHurley Toevs Styles Hamblin & Panter, P.A.
Manuel LuceroOffice of the US Attorney
Mara C. YarbroughNM Environmental Law Center
Mara Elizabeth AndersonMiller Stratvert, P.A.
Marah DemeuleBernalillo County Attorney's Office
Maranda Nicole AguirrePegasus Legal Services for Children
Marc H. RobertMarc H. Robert Attorney
Marc M. LowryRothstein Donatelli, LLP
Marcella Alvarez MorganSutin Thayer & Browne, APC
Marco Estevan GonzalesCapitol Complex Strategies, LLC
Marcos BaraibarSilva Baraibar Law Group, LLC
Marcos GonzalezRomero Law Firm
Marcus J. CameronLaw Offices of Cameron and Russell
Marcus R. BarryTRC Companies, Inc.
Marcy Gentry BaysingerPregenzer Baysinger Wideman & Sale, P.C.
Margaret A. GrahamPregenzer Baysinger Wideman & Sale, P.C.
Margaret A. LorenzCuddy & McCarthy, LLP
Margaret Ann KatzeOffice of the Federal Public Defender
Margaret Broenniman
Margaret Moses BranchBranch Law Firm
Maria DominguezBernalillo County Metropolitan Court
Maria Garcia GeerGeer Wissel & Levy, P.A.
Maria H. Weddige-GurneyZscaler, Inc.
Maria Montoya-ChavezSutin Thayer & Browne, APC
Maria O'BrienModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Maria S. DudleyOffice of the US Attorney
Mariel Graeber WillowCity of Albuquerque Legal Department
Marina Tapia A. CansinoCansino Law Firm, LLC
Marisol Anaya CamposLaw Offices of Lynda Latta, LLC
Marjorie A. RogersModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Mark A. Glenn
Mark C. DowB & D Law Offices, P.C.
Mark Chad AbramsonSemro Henry, Ltd.
Mark Dawson JarmieMark D. Jarmie, LLC
Mark F. RosebroughUS Department of Agriculture
Mark F. SwansonLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Mark Frederick BennettParnall Law Firm
Mark J. RileyRiley Keller Alderete Gonzales
Mark L. Drebing
Mark M. RhodesRhodes & Salmon, P.C.
Mark Peter DinelliThe Dinelli Law Firm, LLC
Mark S. Jaffe
Mark S. WelliverNM Human Services Department Child Support Services Division
Mark StylesHurley Toevs Styles Hamblin & Panter, P.A.
Mark Travis BakerPeifer Hanson Mullins & Baker, P.A.
Mark W. BridgesEast Mountains Lawyer Chartered
Marlo Aragon
Martha Ellen MulvanyIves & Flores, P.A.
Martha J. Kaser
Martin A. JuarezOffice of the Federal Public Defender
Martin Lopez IIIMartin Lopez III, P.C.
Marvin E. RomeroLaw Office of E. Marvin Romero
Mary Ann CuneoZia Trust, Inc.
Mary Ann LundermanSSA Office of Disability and Review National Hearing Center
Mary Ann RomeroMary Ann Romero & Associates
Mary Anne D'ArcangelisMary Anne's Law Office
Mary E. JonesHartline Barger, LLP
Mary G. WilsonThe Law Offices of Wilson & Associates, P.C.
Mary H. Smith
Mary Louise JohnsonOffice of the US Trustee
Mary Meghan Daly Snyder
Mary Moran BehmHinkle Shanor, LLP
Maslyn Kate LockeNM Environmental Law Center
Matthew A. DannerDanner Law Firm, P.C.
Matthew BarceleauNew Mexico Legal Group
Matthew Eric JacksonPeifer Hanson Mullins & Baker, P.A.
Matthew GoenRose Ramirez & Associates, P.C.
Matthew J. Myers
Matthew J. O'GormanLaw Office of the Public Defender
Matthew J. ZamoraValle O'Cleireachain Zamora and Harris
Matthew James Huggins
Matthew Joseph Bouillon MascarenasMJBM Law Office
Matthew M. BeckPeifer Hanson Mullins & Baker, P.A.
Matthew M. MontoyaNavlaw
Matthias SwongerLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Max A. JonesMiller Stratvert, P.A.
Max I. Brooks
Maxine N. RomeroDepartment of Veterans Affairs
Maxwell Joseph KauffmanDisability Rights New Mexico
Maya LindgrenSecond Judicial District Court
McKenzie St. DenisLegal Solutions of New Mexico, LLC
Meena H. AllenAllen Law Firm, LLC
Megan A. MuirheadModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Megan Kathleen MitsunagaLaw Office of Megan K. Mitsunaga
Megan Mares KalmSecond Judicial District Court
Megan P. DuffyNM Court of Appeals
Meghan Dimond StanfordJackson Loman Stanford Downey & Stevens-Block, P.C.
Meghan Mari O'NeilRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Meghan Suzanne NicholsonUNM Office of the University Counsel Health Law Section
Melanie Bret StambaughRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Melanie Joyce RhodesAnd Justice Legal, LLC
Melanie L. BenCurtis & Company
Melissa A. BrownPresbyterian Healthcare Services
Melissa A. Macaron
Melissa Ayn MorrisOffice of the Federal Public Defender
Melissa C. CandelariaNew Mexico Center on Law and Poverty
Melissa E. CalderonMelendres & Melendres, P.C.
Meredith Anne JohnstoneArmstrong Roth Whitley Johnstone, LLC
Meredith M. BakerLaw Office of Meredith Baker, LLC
Mesa Lily LindgrenLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Mia A. NapolitanoUS Department of Interior Office of the Solicitor Southwest Region
Michael Adam Gay
Michael Alarid Jr.The Alarid Law Firm
Michael B. AllisonThe Allison Law Firm, P.C.
Michael B. BrowdeUniversity of New Mexico School of Law
Michael B. CalderonThe University of New Mexico
Michael B. RichardsonLaw Office of Mike Richardson
Michael BresciaRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Michael C. RossElias Law, P.C.
Michael D. Bustamante
Michael E. KaemperSaiz Chanez Sherrell & Kaemper, P.C.
Michael E. MozesLaw Offices of Michael E. Mozes, P.C.
Michael G. SmithHartline Barger, LLP
Michael G. SolonRios Law Firm
Michael J. AnayaCentral New Mexico Community College
Michael J. CadiganCadigan Law Firm, P.C.
Michael J. Dekleva
Michael John HoltNM Workers' Compensation Administration
Michael K. DanielsMichael K. Daniels Esq
Michael L. RosenfieldLaw Office of Michael L. Rosenfield
Michael P. JassoMPJ Law Firm, LLC
Michael R. Bebeau
Michael Ray Murphy
Michael S. Jahner
Michele MorosinSecond Judicial District Court
Michelle Baca
Michelle Castillo DowlerBernalillo County Metropolitan Court
Michelle D. Lopez
Miguel P. ArchuletaYlaw, P.C.
Minerva Cr CampCamp Law, LLC
Miriam SutherlandNM Workers' Compensation Administration
Mitchel S. JofukuSecond Judicial District Court
Molly Bachechi
Monica A. DavisNM Trust and Probate Law Firm, LLC
Monica Desaix BacaMonica D. Baca Law Firm
Monica M. Zamora
Monica Newcomer J. MillerNew Mexico Immigrant Law Center
Monica R. GarciaButt Thornton & Baehr, P.C.
Monnica L. BarrerasLaw Office of Monnica L. Barreras, LLC
Morgan Louise DemicPegasus Legal Services for Children
Moses B. Winston VMayer, LLP
Nadia Cabrera-Mazzeo
Nan G. Nash
Nann M. WinterStelzner Winter Warburton Flores & Dawes, P.A.
Narciso Garcia Jr.Narciso Garcia Jr Esq
Natalia Sanchez DowneyBernalillo County Attorney's Office
Natalie M. Arvizu
Natalie R. LyonSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Natalie ZerwekhLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Natasha Ann WesenbergWiggins Williams & Wiggins
Natasha D. Cuylear
Natasha MoghadamSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Nathan Edward WingerWinger Law Firm
Nathan MulvihillCity of Albuquerque
Nathan S. AndersonBarber & Borg, LLC
Nathan S. StimsonJennings Haug Keleher McLeod, LLP
Nathan T. NiemanGridworks, Inc.
Nathaniel E. Butters
Nathaniel Quentin Gentry
Neal E. SpeerSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Neal J. BrubakerLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Neysa E. LujanNM Workers' Compensation Attorneys, LLC
Nghiem B. Nguyen
Nicholas D. NunezButt Thornton & Baehr, P.C.
Nicholas G. DerosaUS District Court
Nicholas J. RimmerLaw Offices of Erika E. Anderson
Nicholas M. SydowOffice of the US Attorney
Nicholas S. AutioNM Local Government Law, LLC
Nicholas T. DavisDavis Law New Mexico
Nick C. StiverStiver Law, LLC
Nicole H. Werkmeister
Nicole L. BanksUS District Court
Nicole Vadnais StrauserNew Mexico Gas Company
Nicole W. MossThe Law Office of Nicole W. Moss, LLC
Nicoleta SpilcaLaw Office of Nicoleta Spilca
Niki Tapia-BritoOffice of the US Attorney
Nita C. Day
Noah Walker GelbLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Noe Astorga-CorralFadduol Cluff Hardy & Conaway, P.C.
Noell Sauer HuffmyerRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Noelle Graney
Nora M. WilsonUnited States Attorney's Office
Norman Antonio Stiteler
Norman Cairns
Ntemna Eric NguNtemna Law Firm
Olivia NeidhardtSantillanes and Neidhardt, P.C.
Orlando Lucero
Owen David JohnsonUniversity of New Mexico Institute of Public Law
Owen E. BarcalaAtkinson Baker & Rodriguez, P.C.
Paige Anne Elizabeth DuhamelOffice of Superintendent of Insurance
Paige DiemDreamstyle Remodeling and Bluff & Associates
Paige M. MowrerSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Pamela G. CandelariaNM Administrative Hearings Office
Pamela Roberta Arias-OrtegaUS Department of Energy/NNSA
Pamela S. SullivanThe Law Office of Pamela Sullivan
Paola Viviana JaimeRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Patricia B. RiveraRivera Law NM, LLC
Patricia G. WilliamsWiggins Williams & Wiggins, P.C.
Patricia M. MonaghanMonaghan Law Office, P.C.
Patricia S. WoodyWoody & Associates
Patricia Y. AndersonPegasus Legal Services for Children
Patrick D. AllenUniversity of New Mexico Foundation, Inc.
Patrick LopezLopez Law NM, LLC
Patrick V. ApodacaPNM Resources, Inc.
Patrick W. SullivanSalazar Sullivan & Jasionowski
Paul A. ZebrowskiZebrowski Law
Paul G. Howes
Paul M. LinnenburgerLane Linnenburger Lane, LLP
Paul MaestasMaestas & Suggett, P.C.
Paul Michael DominguezDominguez Law Firm, LLC
Paul R. SmithPaul R. Smith Attorney at Law
Paul Wayne SpearSenior Citizens' Law Office
Paula Z. Kahn
Paulette J. DixonHale & Dixon, P.C.
Penny E. GilbertSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Peter A. RobertsonSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Peter J. ArmijoSwaim Carlow & Ames, P.C.
Peter L. Dinelli
Peter M. CubraLaw Office of Peter Cubra
Peter M. RomeroPeter M. Romero & Associates, P.C.
Peter V. Domenici Jr.Domenici Law Firm, P.C.
Philip HuntemanConklin Woodcock & Ziegler, P.C.
Philip James MontoyaPhilip J. Montoya Attorney at Law
Phillip Patrick BacaMescall Law Firm, P.C.
Phyllis A. DominguezNM Judicial Standards Commission
Phyllis Savage LynnLynn & Associates, LLC
Pilar L. MurrayMurray Law Firm
Quentin F. SmithStelzner Winter Warburton Flores & Dawes, P.A.
Quinn C. Lopez
Rachel A. BaylessDorato & Weems Law Firm, LLC
Rachel BerensonBerenson & Associates, P.C.
Rachel K. GrabensteinOffice of the Solicitor
Rachel Nathanson JacobsOffice of the Federal Public Defender
Rachel Olivia WoodsRachel O. Woods Esq
Rachel Walker I. Al-Yasi
Rafael AmadorSimon A. Kubiak Attorney at Law, P.C.
Ramon Andres SotoThe Soto Law Office, LLC
Ramon Julian MaestasSecond Judicial District Court
Ramona G. BootesAllen Law Firm, LLC
Randal William Roberts
Randy BoyerUS Patent & Trademark Office
Randy M. AutioNM Local Government Law, LLC
Raul A. LopezRaul a Lopez Attorney at Law
Raymond Benito MaestasLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Raynard StruckMedrano Struck, P.C.
Rebecca Barbara JacksonSandia National Laboratories
Rebecca Claire BranchNM State Ethics Commission
Rebecca Obenshain O'GawaNew Mexico Legal Aid
Rebecca Susan MulcahyThe Mulcahy Law Firm
Rebekah ReyesSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Rebekah Staggs WrightWright Law New Mexico
Reginald C. WoodardNM Workers' Compensation Administration
Reginald J. StormentNM Educational Assistance Foundation
Reina Owen DemartinoNM Human Services Department
Renae D. Richards-CharneyRichards Charney Law
Renee N. Ashley
Renni ZifferblattRobles Rael & Anaya, P.C.
Repps David StanfordMoody & Stanford, P.C.
Reyes Delacruz
Reynaldo M. Montano
Richard B. SpinelloState Bar of New Mexico
Richard BarreraBuckingham Barrera Vega Law Firm
Richard C. MinznerRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Richard David WeinerState Bar of New Mexico
Richard J. Brown
Richard J. MoranLaw Office of Ahmad Assed
Richard L. Alvidrez
Richard Lawrence BranchNM Department of Workforce Solutions Office of General Counsel
Richard P. Bustamante
Richard P. JacobsThe Law Firm of Jacobs & Jacobs
Richard Timmerman WilsonSandia National Laboratories MS 0114
Richard W. SuttenSutten Law Group, LLC
Richelle AndersonLaw Office of Ryan J. Villa
Richmond L. Neely
Rick BeitlerRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Riley J. BusbyJones Skelton & Hochuli, PLC
Robert D. GormanRobert D. Gorman, P.A.
Robert Dale MorrisonNM Human Services Department
Robert Don LohbeckLawyers505.com
Robert F. GentileGuebert Gentile & Piazza, P.C.
Robert H. JacobvitzUS Bankruptcy Court
Robert H. MossAragon Moss George Jenkins, LLP
Robert J. AragonAragon Moss George Jenkins, LLP
Robert J. Baca
Robert J. CurtisRobert Curtis Law
Robert J. DesiderioSanchez Mowrer & Desiderio, P.C.
Robert J. GorenceGorence Law Firm, LLC
Robert J. MrozMadison Mroz Steinman Kenny & Olexy, P.A.
Robert J. MuehlenwegRMH Lawyers, P.A.
Robert Jason BowlesBowles Law Firm
Robert Jay JohnstonNew Mexico Gas Company
Robert L. Lucero Jr.
Robert L. Stone
Robert L. ZamoraLaw Office of Ryan D. Baughman, LLC
Robert M. Doughty IIIAlcaraz Law, P.A.
Robert M. St. JohnRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Robert M. White
Robert Michael HughesHughes Law Firm, LLC
Robert Myles BaskervilleBaskerville Law, LLC
Robert Pompey AlexanderSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Robert Ross Work
Robert W. Norman Jr.Houser, LLP
Robert William BeckerYlaw, P.C.
Robert William Jenkins IIAragon Moss George Jenkins, LLP
Roberta Marie YurcicRoberta Yurcic Legal Services, LLC
Roberta Suzanne BatleyBatley Family Law, P.A.
Roberta Y. BacaOffice of Superintendent of Insurance Fraud Bureau
Roberto Albertorio
Roberto C. ArmijoRoberto C. Armijo Esq Attorney at Law
Robyn Lee RoseCity of Albuquerque
Robynn Sena DixonRobynn Sena Dixon Attorney at Law
Rod D. BakerLaw Office of Rod D. Baker
Roderick L. DeagueroRoderick L. DeAguero
Rodney DunnDunn Law Offices
Rodney J. StarkweatherStarkweather Law Office, P.C.
Roger I. SmithSmith Templeman Law Firm, LLC
Roger MooreRoger Moore Law Office
Roman R. RomeroThe Romero Law Firm, P.A.
Ronald A. BellRon Bell Injury Lawyers
Ronald Christopher ArchibequeArchibeque Law Firm
Ronald E. HolmesDavis Miles McGuire Gardner, PLLC
Rosalyn D. NguyenPresbyterian Healthcare Services
Rosario Vega D. Lynn
Rose M. Garcia
Rosemarie Lazcano AllredBernalillo County Metropolitan Court
Rozan CruzRozan Cruz & Associates, P.C.
Rumaldo R. ArmijoOffice of the US Attorney
Ryan D. BaughmanLaw Office of Ryan D. Baughman, LLC
Ryan DanoffDanoff Law Firm
Ryan F. AdragnaYlaw, P.C.
Ryan GoodhueMayer, LLP
Ryan J. BurtPresbyterian Healthcare Services
Ryan J. RoehlNew Mexico Legal Aid, Inc.
Ryan J. WityakKrehbiel & Barnett, P.C.
Ryan P. Sullivan
Ryne SmithJones Law Firm, LLC
Sainath IyerLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Sam BregmanSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Samantha Lina DrumKeller & Keller
Samantha M. AdamsAdams+Crow Law Firm
Samantha M. HultsRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Samuel A. HurtadoOffice of the US Attorney
Samuel Christopher Defillippo IVRobles Rael & Anaya, P.C.
Samuel L. WinderUniversity of New Mexico School of Law
Samuel S. AshmanLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Samuel T. JayLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Sandi D. GilleyUnited South Broadway Corporation
Sandra L. BeerleRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Sandra L. GardnerNM Workers' Compensation Administration
Sandra L. GomezState Bar of New Mexico
Santiago E. JuarezAmparo Legal Services, LLC
Sara C. NavarretteUniversity of New Mexico
Sara M. BonnellStrategic Legal and Wealth Advisory Group, LLC
Sarah C. BurtonSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Sarah K. JaegerWeems Hazen Law
Sarah Knoell DowneyJackson Loman Stanford Downey & Stevens-Block, P.C.
Sarah M. GormanLaw Offices of Robert D. Gorman
Sarah M. KarniWiggins Williams & Wiggins, P.C.
Sarah Maestas L. Barnes
Sarah Marcel ArmstrongArmstrong Roth Whitley Johnstone, LLC
Sarah Marie WintermuteLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Sarah SteadmanUniversity of New Mexico School of Law
Sarita NairNew Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions
Savannah Jane Hoover
Savannah Skye Brandenburg-KochSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Scott Alexander BeckmanCuddy & McCarthy, LLP
Scott D. JohnsonScott Johnson Trial Attorney, P.C.
Scott F. StrombergButt Thornton & Baehr, P.C.
Scott K. AtkinsonAtkinson Law Firm, Ltd.
Scott M. Davidson
Scott S. Davis
Scott S. MorganCavin & Ingram, P.A.
Sean BeherecLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Sean E. GarrettYlaw, P.C.
Sean K. HollowwaSpann Hollowwa & Artley
Sean M. CunniffOffice of the US Attorney
Sean Patrick SullivanOffice of the Attorney General
Sean R. CalvertCalvert Menicucci, P.C.
Sean Robert Cairns
Sebastian Ayrshire Dunlap
Seth Eli MontgomeryUS District Court
Seth J. Gardenswartz
Seth L. SparksRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Shahnaz StanleyLaw Office of Shahnaz Stanley
Shana LongOffice of the US Attorney
Shana Siegel BakerLaw Office of Shana Baker, LLC
Shane Briley
Shane YoutzYoutz & Valdez, P.C.
Shannon Ashleigh SwettNew Mexico Legal Group
Shannon N. NairnModrall Sperling
Shanon S. RileyNM Workers' Compensation Administration
Sharon Strange J. Stepler
Shasta N. Inman
Shavon Mere AyalaAyala, P.C.
Shawn Stephen CummingsTyson & Mendes
Shayne C. HuffmanHall Monagle Huffman Wallace, LLC
Sheila HurleyNM Workers' Compensation Administration
Shona L. ZimmermanZimmerman Law, LLC
Sonia Gipson M. RankinUniversity of New Mexico School of Law
Sonya Duke-NoelAdministrative Office of the Courts
Sonya Rose BurkeModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Stacey J. GoodwinPNM Resources, Inc.
Stan WhitakerSecond Judicial District Court
Stanley Allen Giles Jr.Giles & Associates
Stanton L. RiggsStanton L. Riggs Attorney at Law, LLC
Stephanie Kane DemersRodey, Dickason, Sloan, Akin, & Robb, P.A.
Stephanie WelchNew Mexico Center on Law and Poverty
Stephanie WoodsDavis Miles McGuire Gardner, PLLC
Stephen C. M. Long
Stephen Clay DinkelWinger Law Firm
Stephen CurticeYoutz & Valdez, P.C.
Stephen D. Ingram
Stephen M. WilliamsMiller Stratvert, P.A.
Stephen P. CurtisStephen P. Curtis Attorney at Law, P.C.
Stephen R. NelsonJohnson & Nelson, P.C.
Stevan D. LooneySutin Thayer & Browne, APC
Steve P. ArchibequeSteve P. Archibeque Attorney at Law
Steven C. YarbroughUS District Court
Steven F. GranbergSteven Granberg Attorney at Law, P.A.
Steven G. DiamondSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Steven J. LuceroGreenspoon Marder, LLP
Steven M. JakobJakob & Associates, P.C.
Steven R. AllenNM Prison and Jail Project
Steven Tal YoungTal Young, P.C.
Stevie Dion NicholsUS Department of the Interior
Stewart C. ButlerStewart Butler Law
Stuart Howell WilkinsButt Thornton & Baehr, P.C.
Stuart R. ButzierModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Susan BarelaNew Mexico Legal Group
Susan H. WidnerSecond Judicial District Court
Susan L. Burgess-FarrellBurgess & Porter Law, LLC
Susan M. GeorgeUniversity of New Mexico Institute of Public Law
Susan M. Morrison
Susan R. Johnson
Susannah Kathleen RogersLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Suzanne Wood BrucknerSutin Thayer & Browne, APC
Svitlana V. AndersonPeacock Law, P.C.
Sydney Lynn Jans
Sylvia Ann BaizOffice of the Federal Public Defender
T. J. O'QuinnSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Tammy M. JasionowskiSalazar Sullivan & Jasionowski
Tara Kirsten KaminskiUS District Court
Taryn M. Kaselonis
Taylor Diana NoyaAttorney
Taylor E. SmithSmith & Associates
Taylor Katherine DuffneyBriones Business Law Consulting, P.C.
Taylor LieuwenNM Human Services Department
Taylor M. LuerasPark & Associates, LLC
Teague GonzalezNew Mexico Immigrant Law Center
Teague WilliamsGarcia Law Group, LLC
Tess E. WilliamsLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Theodore C. Baca
Theodore William Barudin
Theodosia J. K. JohnsonOffice of the Federal Public Defender
Theresa B. WilkesNew Mexico Immigrant Law Center
Theresa L. RomeroSecond Judicial District Attorney's Office
Thomas Budd J. MucciMucci Law Office
Thomas C. MontoyaAtkinson & Kelsey, P.A.
Thomas E. Brown IIIBrown Legal Group, P.C.
Thomas G. RiceDavis Miles McGuire Gardner, PLLC
Thomas Gordon WoodLaw Office of James H. Wood, P.C.
Thomas Kyle Campbell IIIThomas Kyle Campbell III Attorney at Law
Thomas L. BonhamThomas L. Bonham Attorney at Law
Thomas L. KalmKalm Law Firm, P.C.
Thomas M. AllisonWhitener Law Firm, P.A.
Thomas M. DommeJennings Haug Keleher McLeod, LLP
Thomas P. MacKenMacken Law Firm, LLC
Thomas R. BrionesBriones Business Law Consulting, P.C.
Thomas R. DaweGallagher Casados & Mann, P.C.
Thomas R. Mack
Thomas Smidt IIISmidt Reist & Keleher, P.C.
Thurman W. Moore IIIThurman W. Moore III Esq
Tiffany Leann Roach MartinModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Tim GardnerDisability Rights New Mexico
Timothy C. CallawayYlaw, P.C.
Timothy D. SteiderSteider & Associates, P.C.
Timothy J. AtlerAtler Law Firm, P.C.
Timothy J. Humphrey Sr.Stetson Law Offices, P.C.
Timothy L. WhiteValdez & White Law Firm, LLC
Timothy P. ZannesTimothy P. Zannes Esq
Timothy R. BriggsMiller Stratvert, P.A.
Toby LuteneggerAldridge Pite, LLP
Todd Bruce HotchkissTodd B. Hotchkiss Attorney at Law, LLC
Todd J. Bullion
Tomas J. GarciaModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Tommy Jewell
Tonie Jessica AbeytaDuran & McDonald, LLC
Tony Aaron AndradeModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Torri A. Jacobus
Tova IndritzTova Indritz Attorney at Law
Traci J. WolfWolf & Fox, P.C.
Tracy Drager
Tracy J. AhrAhr Law Offices, P.C.
Tracy M. Jenks
Tracy R. SproulsRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Travis G. JacksonJackson Loman Stanford Downey & Stevens-Block, P.C.
Trei GilpinAlto USA
Trevor A. RiglerCity of Albuquerque Legal Department
Trevor S. M. StevensUS Army Corps of Engineers
Trevor T. Moore
Troy J. Davis
Twila A. HoonAdministrative Office of the Courts
Tyler John AtkinsAtkins & Walker, P.A.
Tyler M. CuffRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Tyler S. Brown
Tyren Christopher HolmesHinkle Shanor, LLP
Tyson E. LoganThe Spence Law Firm NM, LLC
Tyson R. HummellCity of Albuquerque Legal Department
Una CampbellParnall Law Firm
Valentina Elizabeth BasileNational Nuclear Security Administration
Valeria GarciaRebecca Kitson Law
Valerie A. Huling
Valerie Joe
Valerie Reighard DentonRodey Dickason Sloan Akin & Robb, P.A.
Van SnowOffice of the Attorney General
Vanessa E. GarciaLorber Greenfield & Polito, LLP
Vanessa S. Willock
Veronica C. Gonzales-ZamoraUniversity of New Mexico School of Law
Veronica DoratoDorato & Weems Law Firm, LLC
Veronica Nadine LewisYlaw, P.C.
Veronique RichardsonBarnhouse Keegan Solimon & West, LLP
Vickie R. WilcoxWilcox & Myers, P.C.
Victor Patrick MontoyaSouthwest Workplace Law
Victor S. LopezSecond Judicial District Court
Victoria Leigh LuceroThe Law Office of Victoria Lucero, LLC
Victoria Marie BatemanBateman Law Firm
Virginia AndermanMiller Stratvert, P.A.
Virginia H. HuettigVirginia H. Huettig Esq
Virginia M. Lucero
Wade L. JacksonSutin Thayer & Browne, APC
Walter E. Stern IIIModrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk, P.A.
Wayne BakerLaw Office of Wayne Baker
Wayne R. SuggettWayne R. Suggett Attorney at Law, P.C.
Wendy E. YorkYork Mediations, LLC
Wendy Lee BasgallSecond Judicial District Court
Wesley Colin Corning JacksonJackson Law, LLC
Whitney C. BuchananWhitney Buchanan, P.C.
William A. Moore
William Bluehouse JohnsonPueblo of Acoma
William C. Lusk-Claiborne
William C. MadisonMadison Mroz Steinman Kenny & Olexy, P.A.
William C. SutherlandSutherland Law Firm, LLC
William Ervin HoskovecSandia Family Law, LLC
William Garth GilchristRodey Law Firm
William J. LockLock Law Offices
William K. StratvertMiller Stratvert, P.A.
William P. JohnsonUS District Court
William R. AndersonO'Brien & Padilla, P.C.
William R. Babington Jr.
William Scott Jaworski
William ZarrRobles Rael & Anaya, P.C.
Wolfgang J. BomgardnerNew Mexico Center on Law and Poverty
Wyatt M. Dameron
Yarrow Circle AllaireLaw Offices of the Public Defender
Yasmin DennigSandia National Laboratories
Yolanda Akano
Young-Jun RohRimon, P.C.
Yvette Kathleen GonzalesBernalillo County Metropolitan Court
Zacary E. Wilson-FetrowJames Wood Law
Zachary Arthur IvesNM Court of Appeals
Zachary JonesUnited States Attorney for the District of New Mexico
Zoe Glaser
Zoila Y. Alvarez-HernandezLaw Office of Zoila Alvarez-Hernandez, LLC