"My great Veterans Liaison, Rick Pineda, attended the New Mexico Department of Veterans Services (@GONMDVS) 2022 Military Honors and Training Competition. Thanks to all our amazing veterans and active duty service-members who made it a wonderful day!"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Yvette Herrell:
"Just days ago, Spc. Bishop Evans lost his life trying to save people from drowning in the Rio Grande (who turned out to be drug smugglers)--and these acts of valor are met by proposals from the Biden administration that are BEYOND insulting. twitter.com/RepDonaldsPres"Read on Twitter
"Glad to join this effort. Americans deserve the truth. twitter.com/GOPoversight/s"Read on Twitter
"Thrilled to get the support of the National Fraternal Order of Police @GLFOP for my efforts to establish student loan forgiveness and scholarships for the children of officers who lose their lives in the line of duty."Read on Twitter