"Albuquerque is becoming one of the most dangerous cities in the nation, and the DOJ continues to hamstring local law enforcement. It's past time we let @ABQPOLICE do their jobs, stop criminals, and protect the innocent. krqe.com/news/albuquerq"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Yvette Herrell:
"Joe and Nancy are taking America on a road trip to the Carter Administration and NOBODY is having a good time! twitter.com/wupton/status/" on April 28Read on Twitter
"GDP shrinking. Inflation rising. Gas is more expensive. Food is more expensive. Gee, thanks @JoeBiden! usnews.com/news/economy/a" on April 28Read on Twitter
"My great Veterans Liaison, Rick Pineda, attended the New Mexico Department of Veterans Services (@GONMDVS) 2022 Military Honors and Training Competition. Thanks to all our amazing veterans and active duty service-members who made it a wonderful day!" on April 27Read on Twitter