
SW New Mexico News

Sunday, September 29, 2024

What Are Noxious Weeds?

What are noxious weeds?

Noxious weeds are any plant designated by an agricultural or governing authority as likely to do harm to humans, livestock, crops, or the environment.

Why should I remove noxious weeds from my property?

Having them on your personal property is a violation of the solid waste ordinance. If they spread to natural areas, they can harm wildlife and plants. Some noxious weeds are even harmful or poisonous to humans and pets.

Noxious weeds pop up faster during monsoon season. It is important to remove them before they spread. If you choose to burn them, please call the non-emergency dispatch number at 575-526-0795 (option 6) to make sure it is safe to do so before you start.

If you have any questions regarding our services or the County ordinance, please feel free to e-mail us at aco_codes_questions@donaanacounty.org.

#CodesCorner #noxiousweeds #daccodes

Original source found here.