
SW New Mexico News

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Vasquez Takes Leadership Role in Bipartisan Agriculture Group to Address Labor Shortages

Gabe vasquez

Congressman Gabe Vasquez | Gabe Vasquez Official Website

Congressman Gabe Vasquez | Gabe Vasquez Official Website

WASHINGTON, D.C. – June 21, 2023,the House Agriculture Committee announced Rep. Gabe Vasquez's (NM-02) membership to the bipartisan Agricultural Labor Working Group. The working group will focus on the workforce issues faced by the nation’s agricultural producers. 

“I’m focused on continuing to build relationships with our producers and farm workers, so those that put food on our tables have a secure future in New Mexico,” said Vasquez. “I have heard from New Mexican farmers who face crucial labor shortages, and for some, were only able to get through the season because of the H-2A program. That’s why I introduced the bipartisan Farm Workforce Support Act to pave a pathway for the H-2A visa reform. I’ve also heard from domestic farmworkers and immigrant rights organizations who see a common path forward to address our nation’s labor shortages. I am proud to serve on the working group, to fight for solutions for New Mexico and our nation’s agriculture workforce challenges.”

Members of the working group have been selected from current Committee members and aim to represent every sector and geographical region of American agriculture.

The working group will: 

  • Seek input from stakeholders, employers, and workers, particularly emphasizing the H-2A visa program for nonimmigrant agricultural workers. 
  • Produce an interim report detailing the program's shortcomings and the impacts on food security. 
  • File a final report with recommendations to address the flaws within the program.
The final report of the working group will provide a comprehensive suite of potential solutions that can inform and be utilized in subsequent legislative efforts.

Original source can be found here.