Mayor Eric Enriquez, City of Las Cruces | City of Las Cruces
Mayor Eric Enriquez, City of Las Cruces | City of Las Cruces
The City of Las Cruces has announced an extension for applications to its Oversight Committee. The new deadline is set for 5 p.m. on Thursday, November 7, 2024. Applications can be accessed via the City's website.
The Oversight Committee was established by the City Council in November 2018 to enhance transparency and accountability within city operations. It functions as a management advisory body rather than a public board.
The committee's role includes reviewing internal audit and inspector general activities during meetings to promote efficiency, improve operations, and prevent waste, fraud, and abuse of government resources. Additionally, it may offer recommendations for investigation priorities and potential areas for internal audits to the City Auditor and Inspector General.
Comprising three members who are residents but not employed or directly contracted by the city, all positions on the committee are currently vacant. The requirements specify that one member should have experience as an accountant, auditor, or inspector general; another should have a law enforcement or legal background; and the third should possess professional management or business expertise. Members serve staggered three-year terms starting October 1 each year.
The committee typically meets monthly but can convene more frequently if called upon by the chair or a majority of members. This is a volunteer position with no compensation provided. Voting members cannot serve on other city boards, commissions, or task forces.
For further details, interested parties can contact the City Auditor’s Office at (575) 541-2247.