
SW New Mexico News

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Vasquez Introduces Bipartisan Legislative Package to Strengthen New Mexico’s Economy and Bring New Jobs


Congressman Gabe Vasquez | Wikipedia

Congressman Gabe Vasquez | Wikipedia

Three bills will support jobs in agriculture, tourism and trade

WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Thursday, April 27, Rep. Gabe Vasquez (NM-02) introduced a package of three bills to bring new jobs to key sectors of New Mexico’s economy. The package includes the bipartisan Expanding Regional Airports Act with Rep. Tracey Mann (KS-01), the Economic Opportunity for Border Communities Act and the BipartisanFarm Workforce Support Act with Rep. Ciscomani (AZ-06). Each bill was inspired by meetings in which Rep. Vasquez heard directly from constituents about challenges they face in hiring workers and supporting small business growth.

“I came to Congress to find solutions to the local problems that we face, and that includes our rural communities. I’ve spent the first few months of my time in the district listening intently to the needs of our agricultural producers, workers, and small business owners to find ways to add good-paying jobs and grow our economy,” said Rep. Vasquez. “I’m introducing this bipartisan package of economic bills that can have a profound impact on local economies. Whether it’s shoring up our farm worker shortage, growing the capacity of our regional airports, or strengthening our border economy, I’m fighting for the people of New Mexico.”

H.R. 2916, the bipartisan Expanding Regional Airports Act is cosponsored by Rep. Tracey Mann (KS-01). This legislation would establish an FAA grant program to help smaller regional airports access the funding they need to bring in additional commercial service. Las Cruces is New Mexico’s second largest city, yet residents have to drive an hour to El Paso in order to access most commercial air transportation. A larger commercial airport would help attract new businesses, support colleges like New Mexico State University and promote tourism. 

“Representative Gabe Vasquez’s introduction of the Expanding Regional Airports Act is truly exciting news,” said Las Cruces City Councilor Yvonne Flores. “As the City of Las Cruces continues to grow, this legislation will tremendously help our city prosper economically and will significantly benefit our residents who have always had to go to El Paso or Albuquerque to access commercial air service. This legislation will substantially benefit the continuing development of Las Cruces International Airport.”

H.R. 2915, the Bipartisan Farm Workforce Support Act with Rep. Juan Ciscomani (AZ-06) calls on the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to report to Congress the deficiencies of the H-2A visa program, paving a path to H-2A visa reform that works for New Mexico’s farmers while ensuring farmworkers are paid fair wages and have adequate housing conditions, among other reforms.

“The New Mexico Chile industry has been plagued by labor shortages for years forcing our Chile farmers to rely on federal migrant worker programs such as the H-2A program. There are still a lot of unknowns when it comes to these programs and the impacts it has on individual operations and the US labor force in general,” said Sierra County Commissioner and Executive Director of the NM Chile Association Travis Day. “We are thankful that Representative Vasquez is determined to look into the H-2A program and have the GAO research its impacts.”

H.R. 2917, the Economic Opportunity for Border Communities Act would require the Department of Commerce to develop a national strategy to increase the number of jobs in key industries such as trade, manufacturing, transportation and agriculture in border communities. 

“Border communities are too often an afterthought in Washington and we need an effective economic development strategy for the different border corridors,” said Jerry Pacheco, President of the Border Industrial Association. “We are supportive of Rep. Vasquez’s new legislation to support Santa Teresa and are appreciative of his efforts to bring attention to our border region.”

Issues: Agriculture Economy

Original source can be found here.