Detective Robert "Bo" Nevarez joined the Doña Ana Sheriff’s Office as a Deputy on October 6, 2002. Soon after becoming a DASO Deputy, Bo took a temporary assignment to learn more about the Violence Against Women Act and investigate these cases in rural areas. In 2004, he was promoted to DASO Investigator. In 2018, he became a DASO Detective. Bo is currently in the Criminal Investigation Division and is an important member of the Sex Offender Registration and Tracking Unit.
Bo is known as the “go-to-guy’ in the division because his vast experience has likely exposed him to similar situations in the past. His supervisor, Sgt. Chase Thouvenell said, “Det. Nevarez is the most senior detective at DASO and is happy to share his knowledge with everyone, making him a reliable mentor and a valuable colleague. Det. Nevarez is known for including his resume in every report, e-mail signature block, and criminal complaint. This practice ensures everyone knows he is experienced.”
“In all seriousness, Det. Nevarez does hold a wealth of knowledge and experience and will leave a gaping hole in the division when he decides to retire. His legacy will be his mantra, ‘there is no crying in the Criminal Investigations Division.’”
Bo said he is grateful that God allowed him to serve our community for the past two decades. A Stage 4 cancer survivor, he has been in remission for five years. And today, on October 25, he completed 67 turns around the sun. He has not had a chance to pick up any hobbies which is why he has not retired. He plans to continue working until the key to his office fails to let him in.
Please join us in thanking Bo for 20 years (30 years of dedicated commitment to law enforcement service) and congratulating him on his 20th work anniversary here at Doña Ana County!
Happy Birthday, Bo, and congratulations!
#DACbocc #GoDASO #DACfamily #HRproud #anniversary #employeerecognition #YearsOfService Doña Ana County Sheriff's Department
Original source found here.